BAM «Schlubs» it Up with New Comedy Central Pilot!

BAM «Schlubs» it Up with New Comedy Central Pilot!
agosto 28, 2013 brian

This week BAM was happy to do work for the new Comedy Central pilot «Schlub Life». The pilot was created and produced by members of local comedy team Cook County Social Club, and is the second show that the group has sold to the network. Co-creator Greg Hess and star of the show Brendan Jennings were in the studio to do some ADR with recording engineer Dave Leffel. BAM wishes them the best of luck out in Los Angeles, and we hope to see «Schlub Life» on our TVs soon!

Learn more about «Schlub Life» here:

Pictured (Left to Right): Philip von During, Greg Hess, Brendan Jennings, Dave Leffel

Check out more of BAM’s ADR clients here: