Legendary sports announcer Pat Hughes came by BAM to record voiceover for videos celebrating Wrigley Field’s 100th Anniversary! Hughes is known to most as the play-by-play voice of the Chicago Cubs and WGN-TV, a position he has held since 1996. In collaboration with Questar, BAM helped Hughes record narration for a series of videos focused on the history of Wrigley Field, which will be celebrating its 100th birthday in 2014. Also in the studio was longtime friend of BAM Bill Mallek, the local producer/editor extraordinaire known to many as “The Doctor.” Philip von During engineered the session, assisted by lifetime Cubs fan Sean Sbabori.
To learn more about Pat Hughes, click here: http://chicagoradiospotlight.blogspot.com/2010/05/pat-hughes.html
To read more about 100 Years of Wrigley Field, click here: http://tinyurl.com/mtpjn3b