BAM recently had the disnticnt honor to be the subject of a flattering piece on DNAinfo Chicago! DNAinfo is an online newspaper that specializes in hyper-local news coverage of Chicago’s diverse neighborhoods and outlying suburbs. Author Mark Konkol took the time to interview President Brian Reed about BAM Studios’ history, recent successes, and plans for the future. In the piece, entitled “Studio Becomes Celebrity Hot Spot Amid Chicago Film Boom,” Konkol made note of the recent boom in film production and how it’s affected “boutique audio recording studio[s]” like BAM. We’d like to thank Mark for writing such a glowing article about how BAM is a comfortable and quality studio that can fit any client or celebrities’ needs. Like Brian said in the article, “I’m honored because it shows they trust us…They know we give a s— about them. We’re Chicagoans.”
To read the DNA Info Chicago article about BAM, click here: http://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20140409/river-north/studio-becomes-celebrity-hot-spot-amid-chicago-film-boon